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European Camel Ranch Owners Association

"At the start of this new year, I am pleased to announce a major milestone: the official establishment of ECROA’s headquarters in the Netherlands, at Europe’s largest camel farm, Kamelenmelkerij Smits. This achievement marks the beginning of a transformation for camelid enthusiasts in Europe and reinforces a critical mission for all of us: safeguarding the camel’s status as a domesticated animal in Europe" 

Philipponneau Olivier
President of ECROA 


The objectives of ECROA are:

•To enable camel ranch owners to benefit from each other’s experiences. 

•To highlight all aspects of camel keeping in Europe, inspired by the camel culture in Arab and Asian countries.

•To inform a broader audience about various camel related topics.


  • ECROA organizes meetings for camel ranch owners and camel-festivals for a broad public.

  •  Together with the International Camel Organisation (ICO) legal guidelines are developed in order to improve the practice of camel activities  abroad. 

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